Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On cognitive dissonance

As we have embarked on the 21st Century Skills online course, I am reminded of the concept of cognitive dissonance, that "itchy" feeling you get when your beliefs and actions don't quite match up. Adult learners are prone to cognitive dissonance; indeed, it is often what drives us to seek knowledge. We hear that technology is changing. We witness how it changes our students and ourselves--the way we think, communicate, seek answers, create.... We are aware that the old methods of teaching do not embrace these ways of thinking and doing. And, wanting to be teachers of excellence, teachers who really make a difference, we see the gap between what we do and what we know, and we seek to eliminate the gap, in this case by taking an online course.

That doesn't mean closing the gap is painless. When you are a teacher, your self-image is all wrapped up in your expertise--you expect yourself to have all the answers. It is deeply frustrating to thrust yourself into the role of beginner again, to not neccessarily master something the first time your try it. We beat ourselves up for struggling, even though we would never have the same unreasonable expectations of our students.

So as you navigate through these first few assignments, posting to blogs, creating a screencast, and experimenting with Google Docs, remind yourself that it is o.k. to feel frustrated. Coach yourself to let go of the need to "get it" the first time you try. Instead, try to picture yourself as the perfect student--the one who persists in the face of adversity, pushes through a challenge, and keeps an open mind. And don't struggle in silence! There's no shame in asking for a boost, either technical or emotional. Share your challenges and victories with your colleagues, seek advice, question your teachers. And be proud of yourself for becoming the chief learner of your classroom!

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